What is the Governing Body?

As Governors, we work with the senior management team to ensure the safe and effective running of the school. We are responsible for setting the vision and the strategic aims of the school. We are also responsible for the appointment of staff and for the premises. The day to day operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher and senior management team. We support them in their role to deliver the highest quality Catholic education to the greatest possible number of children, challenging them to always strive for excellence and ensuring accountability to the children, their parents and the wider community.     

We can be contacted through the school office, or by emailing our clerk at clerk@st-teresas.wokingham.sch.uk

Mrs Anne-Marie Eden
Chair of Governors


What is the Governing Body?

Robust governance is vital to any successful school. Our Governing Body supports the School’s Leadership and fulfils the three main roles set out by the Department for Education:

  •          Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  •          Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils,                       and the performance management of staff
  •          Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

St Teresa’s is one of seven schools within the Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust. The Trust Directors have delegated significant responsibilities to our Governors, namely to:

  •          “promote the vision of the Catholic Academy Trust Company;
  •          promote and develop Catholic Life;
  •          monitor the school development plan;
  •          support and challenge the Headteacher;
  •          maintain and develop relationships with staff, parents and the parish community
  •          ensure arrangements for safeguarding pupils and staff in the academy are fully compliant with                           statutory requirements.”

Statement of Delegation